Water Quality in Lino Lakes, MN
The city of Lino Lakes reports the water hardness to average just under 14 grains per gallon from city provided and filtered water. Residence that are sourcing their water from private wells may experience water hardness above or below that average.
Water measuring over 10 grains per gallon is considered hard / very hard. Hard water can result in mineral deposits on dishes and stiff feeling laundry. If you have noticed these issues, contact Merle’s Water Conditioning for a free water analysis or ask us about our water softeners.
Lino Lakes sources it’s water from six wells that range from 258 feet to 338 feet deep. Each of the city wells draws water from the Prairie du Chien-Jordan and Jordan-St. Lawrence aquifers.
Working with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Public Work’s Department tests drinking water for more than 100 contaminants. The drinking water in Lino Lakes contains both chlorine and fluoride to meet the standards set out by the Department of Health.
Lino Lakes had no violations for elevated levels of regulated contaminants in 2018. The city also tests for non regulated water contaminants including sodium and sulfate.
Fluoride and Chlorine are added to the city treated water for hygiene and disinfectant.
(Information Provided By the City Of Lino Lakes)
Report Data – January 1 – December 31, 2018